Orthodontic Implants-Skeletal Anchors
When Do You Need This Surgery?
Skeletal anchorage surgery is needed when there are large gaps in the teeth or bite. For example, if your son has an open bite due to sucking his thumb, he might need this surgery to fix it. Or if you have deeply impacted molars, this could be the solution. After consulting with Dr. Frattellone, he will be able to tell you if this is a viable solution for whatever oral problem you are facing.
What Does It Entail?
Essentially, a tiny screw is placed in the jaw to be used as an anchor. This keeps the other teeth in place, while a series of plates and springs helps move the teeth that need to be adjusted. While this might sound painful, it is no more uncomfortable than normal braces. Dr. Frattellone is a professional who makes the situation as comfortable as possible for you. The screw is so small that, while you will be numbed during installation, you feel no pain as it is placed, and there is surprisingly no pain while the screw is in your mouth.
Prevention is the Best Cure
The best part about these tiny anchors is that they prevent a variety of other serious treatments. Why worry about embarrassing and uncomfortable headgear, extra years of braces, or even tooth extraction or jaw surgery when you can use skeletal anchors to fix the problems in just a few short months.
place, while a series of plates and springs helps move the teeth that need to be adjusted. While this might sound painful, it is no more uncomfortable than normal braces. Dr. Frattellone is a professional who makes the situation as comfortable as possible for you. The screw is so small that, while you will be numbed during installation, you feel no pain as it is placed, and there is surprisingly no pain while the screw is in your mouth.
Prevention is the Best Cure
The best part about these tiny anchors is that they prevent a variety of other serious treatments. Why worry about embarrassing and uncomfortable headgear, extra years of braces, or even tooth extraction or jaw surgery when you can use skeletal anchors to fix the problems in just a few short months.